Thursday, November 24, 2005

through a fish's eye

*drumroll* tada! these are the only half-decent photos that came out of my first fisheye lomo experiment which was spread over two rolls of very good film. fuji natura 1600, and agfa ultra color 100. what a waste!
3 of these 4 photos are from the fuji film, because i am an idiot and insist on trying to see what'll happen if i use 100 asa film in the absence of light. i think i'll go do some lines now -- "use 100 film only in bright weather! use 100 film only in bright weather!..."

done. maybe i should write some captions if only i could figure out how not to delete the photos when attempting to arrange them here. i'll do it the foolproof way yet again, just in case.

1. a trashcan at a train station decided to pose cutely for me.

2. dorky portrait of self. i wonder where my glasses are.

3. a cute couple in "subway", osaka.they were kind enough to let me photograph them. i could have done better...anyway. "subway", the only decent fast-food available in japan, i heart you.

4. a back street in kyoto. i took the photo in a hurry, to finish the film before getting it developed, and it turned out to be my favorite in the whole roll.

on another note, i think i'm developing a fondness for scandinavian music. did you know jose gonzalez was swedish?

jose gonzalez -- crosses


K. said...

damn, i liked the underground comment.
when will i see your new camera photos? :)

and yeah, you're right about the world being a melting pot. i found out about jose gonzalez being swedish listening to an australian radiostation in my home in japan. huh.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Nice to see you in "the page" again. Pretty experience!! :))