Monday, April 23, 2007

nice! but is it art?

the innards of my bag, spring 2007 collection.

(credit for the "spring 2007 collection" name goes to my dear friend sasho, who also manages to accumulate whole collections of (mostly) trash and (some) valuables, only in the pockets of his vest, not his bag. same thing.)


Anonymous said...

Yes. Even a couple of garden Zwerge can be art, but it depends on the garden, the Zwerge, the way they relate to the garden and the way you relate to them. In some double universe, I suppose, art can be much more than what we call art. Germans have a saying, and it is perhaps one closest to my soul: When something gets broken, you can not make it as good as new again, but you can still make art out of it.

Lieza said...

If gartenzwerge can be art, the czech republic is a country full of art on every corner.. (and i've never heard of that german saying, well I'm not german though)

Krisss do u even remember me?

Bla said...

Quite a collection you have. :)

Алекс said...

невероятно колко много неща може да побере една дамска чанта