Thursday, January 11, 2007

a lullaby

i'm completely exhausted, but i can't sleep. my body is shaking from the insane amounts of coffee i shouldn't have had today, but did anyway.

julie doiron is a singer of a very rare species. her music is quiet, almost whispered, her voice sounding like she's telling her lover how much she loves him, at 2.19am, while watching him sleep. the guitar/trumpet/cello sing along quietly, almost like being shadows of her voice.

her albums heart and crime and desormais are my soundtrack to this month, so far. mature, tender, and unadorned, julie doiron's music really makes me feel almost like i'm in love.

julie doiron - shivers + crickets

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


you know better than to drink too much coffee. but, surprisingly, you maintained a quiet focus on the music.

love you, baby-chan!