Sunday, May 22, 2005

new blog welcome/orientation/explanation

this is my third post today, i know. i must seem really excited to start my new blog, and i actually am. i'm always so enthusiastic in my beginnings, let's hope i keep it up, unlike my old journal at
there's a few reasons why i'm moving my journal, though, the main one being some weird incompatibility of my new browser and LJ which causes quite a few problems. i can't post pictures there anymore which is annoying.

and this place looks much better.

so much for the explanation to my friends who are probably weirded out by my mysterious move. and to everyone else who hasn't been following my journal, you're welcome to my silly little place where you can read reviews about music which is not necessarily new; outlines of interesting or not so interesting events; impressions; bitching about whatever. you will also witness my development as a sporadic photographer (strong choice of words, i know).

knock yourself out.

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