november came and sofia froze solid with the kind of cold that makes your face twitch. i love all seasons but i have to admit i'm a winter kind of girl and i can't wait to experience real winter again -- with icicles and the snow crackling under my feet. kyoto winter was just snowless and the bitchin' cold in my house had almost killed my love for winter and cold in general.
despite the cold, i've been spending quite a lot of money on t-shirts lately, namely because for some reason there are cooler t-shirts in the stores of sofia than jackets or coats.
but as i was having a smoke and a nightcap with my mom last night, she suddenly remembered that she had the coolest leather jacket stored away in the bottom of the dresser. my grandma's leather jacket that my grandpa bought for her from istanbul in 1970. that's right, it is 36 years old but that makes it all the more precious. the jacket is beautifully preserved and it fits my vintage hipster wannabe look. my grandpa was a man with taste and my grandma was a tiny, skinny woman which i am not, but luckily the jacket is big enough for me to fit in.
so, i'm ready for winter -- dark mornings and short days, snow, dark beer, red wine, cinnamon lattes, skiing, and extra sensitivity to music.
the photo is of my friend yana changing shoes before me, her, and bobby went on a small hike on the what i believe was the last warm and sunny weekend for a long time to come.
menomena -- e. is stable